July 13–18, 2025

Customize Your NJW Experience
National Jazz Workshop offers an array of tracks to help you focus and refine your skills.

Take your artistry to the next level
from beginner to expert and study
with exceptional musicians in areas of improvisation, pedagogy, jazz theory, instrument-specific masterclasses,
and more.

Under the direction of MIKE TOMARO, the arranging track explores beginner to advanced techniques in jazz arranging, orchestration, and jazz composition.

Master your ability to guide, capture, and produce exceptional audio with hands-on recording techniques in and out of the studio with GOLDER O'NEILL.

We also offer an OBSERVATION TRACK which is ideal for educators and offered for adults only. Observe students or audit seminars and classes on your own schedule!

National Jazz Workshop is also available for college credit. Current Shenandoah University students can register for MUPP-498 Internship for 2 credits. Visiting students can learn more and apply at su.edu and then register for the same course once accepted.
Rhythm instruments (piano, guitar, bass, drums, percussion) may attend camp but depending on ability will be placed in an ensemble or instructional classes.
Years of Summer Programs
Participants Each Summer
Days of Programming
Faculty Artists